A big hello from us at Herohand! If you are reading this page, we assume you would have received the Tote Bag Painting Craft Bento from us. We are super excited about the workshop with you in the coming week!
First things first, please make sure you have received the list of items as below in your Craft Bento, we will need everything here for the workshop, in the unlikely event that you are missing any items, please get in touch with the person in charge immediately.
– 1x Totebag
– 3x Paint brushes Ordered
– Acrylic Paint (White, Red, Black, Orange, Marine blue, Emerald green)
– 1x Palette
– A few paper cups
– 1x Disposable paper towel
– 1x masking tape
– 1x Pencil
– 1x Cardboard
There are a few important things to prep prior to the workshop:
– Fill the paper cups provided with tap water
– Prepare a space to paint at. Cover your table with some used paper/plastic sheet.
Zoom link to be updated:
Topic: Ordnung Services x Herohand – Totebag Painting Workshop
Time: Oct 2, 2021 8:00 PM Singapore
Meeting Recording:
Access Passcode: OH102021-1
How to set up your artwork?
Once the fabric is dried from the Dye, place a clean paper on top of artwork on fabric and iron (at 150C) for 3 – 5 minutes to set. The design will last longer on your totebag.